New arrivals from INCARNE™: the "Touch" mini collection of women's bags
The "Touch" mini collection features three elegant leather bags, brought to life with a minimalist design that highlights the natural beauty of the...
Voir plusWhat makes an ideal laptop or tablet sleeve? Everyone has their own criteria for choosing a case, but some characteristics are fundamental: reliabi...
Voir plusVisokokvalitetna kožna galanterija minimalističkog dizajna simbol je sofisticiranosti i klasičnog stila. Služe dugi niz godina i s vremenom dobivaj...
Voir plusUvijek nam je cilj ugodno iznenaditi naše kupce. Zato se ponuda kožne galanterije INCARNE™ neprestano proširuje i poboljšava. A sada, uzbuđeni smo ...
Voir plusCorporate gifts are a great way to show appreciation and gratitude to employees, partners, or clients of the company. It's more than just a present...
Voir plusChristmas and New Year are favorite holidays filled with warmth and joy. During this magical time of the year, we want to delight our loved ones wi...
Voir plusBok! Hvala vam puno na interesu za naše poslovanje. Naš INCARNE™ tim i radionica nalaze se na zapadu Ukrajine (Lutsk, regija Volyn). Srećom, sada j...
Voir plusNova godina je vrijeme za darivanje. Dobri darovi povećati razinu vaših odnosa s kolegama u uredu, podići korporativni duh i općenito učiniti ljude...
Voir plus